
Yuval Philipson is a structural engineer at Northrop Grumman Corporation.


He is pursuing a Master's in Mechanical Engineering form Purdue University and graduated from The Cooper Union in New York City with a degree in Mechanical Engineering in 2021. He enjoys problem solving and innovating by employing clever solutions to everyday problems and beyond. 


With a passion for learning and tinkering, Yuval loves to apply a hands on approach to challenging problems through incremental design iteration. He takes on every challenge with a goal in mind, while allowing creativity to develop a path towards a solution.


- "Best Iterative Design" - Makerbot Industries 2018


- "Best Hardware Hack" - HackCooper 2018

Other Interests

In addition to mechanical projects, Yuval also has a strong interest in renewable energy technology and has been experimenting with solar and wearable technology.


Email: philipso@cooper.edu

LinkedIn: Yuval Philipson

Cell: (516)-507-7848